Friday, March 27, 2009


Yesterday I got to interview Paul from the YMCA. He was able to help me with my project. The interview went very well and I was able to get my interview done early and finished.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I decided to incorrperate a song by Christina Agularia on her songn beautiful because it expressed in its music an words of what I am doing my grad project on. I will make it part of my video, and I was able to find more research on my project, doing with my foundation questions.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Action Plan!

I have decided on making a video for my graduation project. I am going to need to find out how many people I am going to need to interview. What is all going to be included in the video? What is my making goal in making this video for my project. How will I make this appealing to the viewers.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today in class we had more presentation to show the class our individual Grad Projects, and where we are going to be doing. I went and volunteered to present my project and it did not go as good as I had hoped, I got all caught up into what my Action Plan was and ended up finding out, that I was lost in what I wanted to do. I need to go back and take it step by step on how I am going to develop my action plan, and what us going to take place.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


When looking at what I was going to do for my project I was able o receive back emails from people that I will be interviewing in the future, So that helped me out a lot. I just need to figure out what I am going to be presenting to the panel about my final plan for my grad project.

Friday, February 20, 2009


During class today I was able to find at least three sources in which I was able to find someone to interview. One of them that I decided to contact was Oprah. I picked her because of relation to the topic dealing with the media image and having her as one of my contacts would be a treat. Then while looking through my emails earlier today one of my contacts emailed me back and was able to let me know that I was going to be able to interview him.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Why do we have to look a certain way?
Is it only the media that makes us feel, that we have to be skinny to look beautiful?
Why do we only see skinny people running around in the television?
How do people respond to people like Monique, taking against skinny people?
Is it only teens who feel pressure to look a certain way?
Is there any way to see the media in a different light?
Are the people behind the screen, the ones that feel only certain image should be put out in the media?
Why can’t we all just love who we are?
Can insecurities sometimes lead to a deadly path?
As a human being how do we see ourselves in our own lives?

Friday, January 23, 2009


Today I was able to research my topic and hopefully by the weekend have some essential questions put together and be able to get to the main point of my topic. When researching I was able to find a place in Squirrel Hill that works with the youth, so I am going to email Ms. K and talk to her about internship ping there next trimester to help me with my Grad Project

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Finally a topic

I finally figured out, what I am going to do for my graduation project. I was bringing many ideas together and seeing in what ways I could expand my topic and make it more desirable for myself. The main point of my project was on “Dieting.” So then instead of me having three different topic and trying to bring them to together as one Ms. Savido helped me to develop my project and come up with my essential question. My essential question is “How does the media affect the teenage body image?"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I've Got it!

Figuring out what I was going to do for my graduation project. I was going to do a topic involving three main points for my topic. For the first it would be about the harmful effects and causes on dieting and working out. The second would be on how some teens look at themselves and how many f the insecurities come from the pressure from the world today. So finally for the last part it would about how the media, and shows and all of the tuff that you see on TV, many of it targets people who are not skinny and a size one to make them feel insecure.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What am I Goind to do?

From what I have been hearing the graduation Project is not easy and is something that you really have to put your all into. When talking to the 12th graders about it, the number one thing that they tell me is to make sure when I have the class to do all my work and stay focus and NOT TO FALL ALSEEP. I don’t know any former graduates, so I just talk to the 12th graders about their former projects. From their personal experiences, they had mention that it was very hard and some did not even have everything together and were scrambling to get it done. They did so though to pick a topic that you are going to be interested in, and not just some random topic to do. I did know what I wanted to do my project on. It was going to have to do something with the environment. I wanted something that I could be active in and to be able to contribute something to my community. My concerns would have to be that I don’t want to be stuck in a position where I feel like my project will take a turn for the worst, and it would not turn out the way I want to.